Making a plot in R
First I had to figure out demos.
> demo(stats)
Error in demo(stats) : No demo found for topic ‘stats’
> demi(memisc)
Error: could not find function "demi"
> demo(memisc)
Error in demo(memisc) : No demo found for topic ‘memisc’
> demo(graphics)
Turns out, you can only call demo() on a package you have installed.
Well then.
This is what R gave me then:
> abline(h = 0, col = gray(.90))
> lines(x, col = "green4", lty = "dotted")
> points(x, bg = "limegreen", pch = 21)
> title(main = "Simple Use of Color In a Plot",
+ xlab = "Just a Whisper of a Label",
+ col.main = "blue", col.lab = gray(.8),
+ cex.main = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.0, font.main = 4, font.lab = 3)
> ## A little color wheel. This code just plots equally spaced hues in
> ## a pie chart. If you have a cheap SVGA monitor (like me) you will
> ## probably find that numerically equispaced does not mean visually
> ## equispaced. On my display at home, these colors tend to cluster at
> ## the RGB primaries. On the other hand on the SGI Indy at work the
> ## effect is near perfect.
> par(bg = "gray")
> pie(rep(1,24), col = rainbow(24), radius = 0.9)
So now I am going to try to make my own plot.
First I had to figure out demos.
> demo(stats)
Error in demo(stats) : No demo found for topic ‘stats’
> demi(memisc)
Error: could not find function "demi"
> demo(memisc)
Error in demo(memisc) : No demo found for topic ‘memisc’
> demo(graphics)
Turns out, you can only call demo() on a package you have installed.
Well then.
This is what R gave me then:
> abline(h = 0, col = gray(.90))
> lines(x, col = "green4", lty = "dotted")
> points(x, bg = "limegreen", pch = 21)
> title(main = "Simple Use of Color In a Plot",
+ xlab = "Just a Whisper of a Label",
+ col.main = "blue", col.lab = gray(.8),
+ cex.main = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.0, font.main = 4, font.lab = 3)
> ## A little color wheel. This code just plots equally spaced hues in
> ## a pie chart. If you have a cheap SVGA monitor (like me) you will
> ## probably find that numerically equispaced does not mean visually
> ## equispaced. On my display at home, these colors tend to cluster at
> ## the RGB primaries. On the other hand on the SGI Indy at work the
> ## effect is near perfect.
> par(bg = "gray")
> pie(rep(1,24), col = rainbow(24), radius = 0.9)
So now I am going to try to make my own plot.
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