Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Making a colorwheel in R

Making a colorwheel in R

Here is the demo to refer to.

> title(main = "A Sample Color Wheel", cex.main = 1.4, font.main = 3)

> title(xlab = "(Use this as a test of monitor linearity)",
+       cex.lab = 0.8, font.lab = 3)

> ## We have already confessed to having these.  This is just showing off X11
> ## color names (and the example (from the postscript manual) is pretty "cute".
> pie.sales <- c(0.12, 0.3, 0.26, 0.16, 0.04, 0.12)

> names(pie.sales) <- c("Blueberry", "Cherry",
+      "Apple", "Boston Cream", "Other", "Vanilla Cream")

> pie(pie.sales,
+     col = c("purple","violetred1","green3","cornsilk","cyan","white"))

Now let's try changing the sizes.

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